Saturday, November 09, 2013


Even using organic milk this yogurt is 1/3 the price of non-organic yogurt. Yea! Thanks for the idea Alice.

Use store bought plain yoghurt as a starter for the first time. I got one that says it has an active culture of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. After the first time use the homemade yoghurt as the starter.
  1. 4 of 1 litre mason jars in a pot that is shorter than the jars
  2. put sticks (i.e. wooden skewers or popsicle sticks) under the jars for thermal separation and to minimize blurping
  3. fill with 1% milk
  4. fill with water to well below lids
  5. bring to 180F (~50 minutes on small burner at high)
  6. remove from burner and let sit for 30 minutes
  7. carefully flush pot water with increasingly cold tap water
  8. let sit until cooled to 115F (~30 minutes)
  9. pitch starter at 25ml per litre and stir well
  10. put entire pot with water in oven
  11. keep at 110F for 6 hours
  12. refrigerate immediately 
This yoghurt will last for several weeks if unopened and in the fridge. The $20 remote thermometer works very well!
Food Fermentation Technology‎ - Yogurt
Formation and Physical Properties of Yogurt 
Sensory Quality Aspects of Yoghurt

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